How Do You Get Paid? U.S. Edition
The dollar icon next to the Kibin logo takes you to the payments tab, which allows you to access your cash balance and modify your payment information.
U.S. editors (as well as dual citizens and expats with a U.S.-based bank account) are paid weekly via direct deposit. Before you can do anything else on the Kibin dashboard, you must sign up for a Stripe Connect account, which is used to verify your identity, send payments, and send yearly 1099-NEC tax forms.
Setting up Stripe Connect
First, select “United States” as your country of residence and click "Connect with Stripe" to be redirected to Stripe’s site.
Most editors will select "Individual, sole proprietor, or single-member LLC" on the first screen. You will then provide your name, address, telephone number, SSN, date of birth, bank account, and routing number as you advance. Your personal data is hosted and encrypted on Stripe's secure servers, and you can always access their Terms and Privacy Policy from your settings page.
Filling out the required information is mostly straightforward. However, Stripe will ask you for your business website or a "product description" (see below).
**Do NOT put as the business website.** Doing so will cause Stripe to reject your account for a "Service Agreement Violation" because you, as a contracted editor, are not the business Once Stripe rejects your account for this violation, you will not be able to set up another Connect account going forward.
If you do have a personal editing business website or a business social media profile for your editing services, you can provide that link. If you do not have a business website, select "Add a product description instead." You can simply write "freelance editing services" here.
After your Connect account is set up, you’ll see a "modify your info" button, which allows you to easily change your bank transfer information and view your payout history.
Transferring your earnings
Every Wednesday morning at 8am PST/9am PDT, your earnings will transfer directly to your bank account if your cash balance is higher than $25. Be aware that the transfer is not instant and can take a day or two depending on your bank. The "Cash Out Now" button appears whenever your balance is above $25 so you can transfer earnings at your convenience.
International Contractors
If you are not a U.S. citizen or dual citizen, please read How Do You Get Paid? The International Edition.