Meet Team Kibin!
Hopefully you've already found our About Us page, and if you haven't yet, hurry and click that link!
*waits for you to come back very impressed*
Now that you know more about the people behind Team Kibin, let's talk about what we actually do and how we're here to help. As an editor, you'll be communicating with the Community Manager, Operations Manager, and Customer Happiness Coordinators (CHC) most often, though Travis is around for Town Hall Meetings and pops in to the Water Cooler from time to time.
The CHCs are an integral part of Team Kibin. They're here to help you with style guide and grammar rules, questions about edits, doc or MS Word issues, and getting in touch with the client if necessary. You can reach the CHCs via the Water Cooler or direct message in Slack. If a CHC is on the clock, they'll have a Kibin emoji with the letter K next to their name. You can also contact the CHCs by emailing if the question or issue at hand isn't time-sensitive.
If you're reading this article, you're a Kibin editor, which means you're already familiar with the Community Manager since they're the person who hired you! The Community Manager oversees the editing and CHC teams as well as all customer service and editing operations. They're your point of contact for concerns you might have about your account, payment, etc., or other business/administrative questions. Additionally, the Community Manager will be the one reviewing and approving your edits when you first join Team Kibin in addition to performing quality checks on documents for the editing team.
The Operations Manager works with Kibin's behind-the-scenes tasks and oversees all operations. From time to time, they'll take over if the Community Manager can't perform their duties or takes time off. If you're not able to reach a CHC or the Community Manager (during regular business hours), reach out to the Operations Manager!
(Our developer, Jim, does all the nerdy, technical stuff like writing code and whatnot, nbd.)