What the Author Sees When Uploading an Order

Users are directed to the upload page when they are ready to upload a document into Kibin's system or get a quote. The page presents them with 6 options to categorize their document: Admissions Editing, Student Editing, Academic Editing, Business Editing, Career and Resume (Applicant) Editing, and Author and Creative Editing.

After a user selects the appropriate service for their document, they're presented with turnaround times, pricing, and direct request options for editors they've liked or worked with in the past. 

Once the payment is complete, the user is taken to the screen where they fill out all the details you might need before editing their document. 

First, they select the option that best matches the needs of their draft: 

Only one option can be selected, and this choice determines the editing "type" that displays on your dashboard -- Final Cut, Stylistic, or Clarity.

Next, the user will classify their document within the chosen editing segment, upload supplemental information, and write the note to you:

The author is given a 10-minute window to complete the page before the document is released to tier 1 editors or the editor they direct requested. If the fields are left blank, the document note will say "The user failed to fill out the required information." The author can also use that 10-minute window to change their original note to the editor or add a supplemental document if needed.

When their document is in the editing queue, it displays next to a timer counting down the time remaining before the finished product is available. Then, the edit moves over to the "finished" column once it's released. Note that the edit only moves to the finished column once it's submitted by an editor; if it's sitting in the queue timed out, it will show up as 00:00 on the "in progress" tab.  

When an editor has locked a document, their picture and name will appear next to the file name on the dashboard, which is why it's important to upload a photo or avatar to your editor profile. Clicking on the editor's name takes the user to the editor's profile.