Help! Why is this document's formatting so weird?
Fix Any Formatting Error with One Quick Trick
Other languages are fascinating, beautiful, and enlightening. Word files converted from other languages are decidedly not. If you’ve never see one of these documents, it’s hard to imagine, but the effect is truly infuriating. You’ll find the words you’re typing are jumping out of place and preceding the previous word instead of following it, or the formatting is so wonky that clicking “enter” moves entire passages into small paragraphs. It’s enough to make you scream at your computer in full volume, but there's a really quick fix that takes the drama out of the editing experience:
Open a new document and save it under the same name as the one you’re working on. Go to the original and copy all of the text. Click back to the new document and right-click the screen. You’ll see "Paste Options", and then select the “Keep Text Only” option from the icons. You’ll get a format-free document with no quirks or kinks--just unadulterated text.
It’s that easy.