Always Submit Documents On Time

It’s critical that, when you edit a document, you submit it before the clock runs out. Whatever you do, don’t snag a 12-hour doc at 11PM at night and wait until 10:55AM the next morning to edit and submit it. That said, by all means feel free to snag a doc at night and edit it in the morning so long as you give yourself adequate time to do the job right. 

There are times when you will have to go over the clock’s limit, but this should happen only in the following two instances:

  1. You pick up a document that has already timed out.
  2. You pick up a document that doesn’t have enough time left on the clock for you to submit it on time AND provide a clean edit.

In these two scenarios, be efficient and don’t waste time, but give the document your full attention and submit a good edit. You don’t want to submit a late and poorly edited document, after all. That's the stuff of our nightmares!