Editor Code of Conduct

One of the best parts of editing for Kibin is that you have the freedom and flexibility to work when you want, where you want, and as much as you want. We definitely don’t want to cramp your style, but there are a few ground rules that we expect you to adhere to as Kibin editors.

Our expectations are as follows:

1. Submit documents on time, unless you pick up an expired document or one that is so close to expiring that you cannot complete a quality edit in the time remaining.

2. Do not drop documents back into the queue once more than one-third of the time has elapsed without alerting a Kibin admin or leaving a note in the Water Cooler. This ensures that the new editor who picks up the document a) has plenty of time to work and b) isn't being shorted on pay (since the payout is tied to the turnaround time).

If you must drop a document in an emergency, please make every effort to contact a Kibin admin via email or Slack.

3. Be respectful to your fellow editors as well as admins when interacting via email, Slack, etc. Harassment and verbal abuse will not be tolerated and are grounds for immediate termination.

4. It should go without saying that you should treat users with respect, too. This means you should

  • respect and maintain the confidentiality of personal information included in documents, notes, and so forth; and
  • deliver feedback kindly and respectfully.

5. Do not attempt to contact users outside of the Kibin interface, even if users provide their email addresses or request that you send their documents via email. The Kibin admins should be your liaison for all communication with the users. This not only protects user privacy, but yours as well. 

Failure to uphold the standards of quality, community, and respect that we value here at Kibin may result in probationary measures or termination. We definitely don't want to resort to that! We simply want to be transparent about our expectations and give you the best possible chance to succeed as a Kibin editor.